Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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On Saturday 25th January about 14 amateur ‘Twitchers’ took part in the RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch in Ryde Cemetery, which is now an annual event.

On Tuesday 17th December, 2019, Ryde Social Heritage Group opened their doors for a Christmas Celebration Drop-in at the Resource Centre at Ryde Cemetery.

Ann, Colin and Barbara were able to go along to the “Lights of Love” Service at the crematorium on the 13th December, at 7pm. 

In November, our busy research team added 53 biographical records to names on the website, including that of  John Peter Gassiot, port wine merchant and amateur scientist.

On Tuesday afternoon 12th November, a group of 13 members visited Carisbrooke Castle Museum for a presentation entitled ‘King Charles I: Royal Prisoner’ given by Rosemary Cooper.

The Service of Remembrance took place in the South Chapel of Ryde Cemetery on the 7th November 2019, at 6.30, which was appropriately decorated for the occasion.

In October, our busy research team added 32 biographical records to names on the website, including that of Colonel George Nisbet Mayne, who was a famous gentleman jockey in India.

Chairperson, Barbara Hunt, gave a warm welcome to everyone who attended the AGM and Social morning at the George Street Centre on 12th October, and she thanked so many for coming to support the group.