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Despite the weather, a very successful activity day was held in the cemetery on Sunday 6th July in support of the Isle of Wight Council Restoration Project and in association with Ryde Arts Festival.
In June our busy Research Team led by Ann Barrett added biographical information of a further 78 records on the website.
Saturday 14 June 2008
Attended by Rachael Mead and Janette Gregson on behalf of RSHG
Dover Park School continued their studies at Ryde Cemetery last week when a group of 23 of the more able writers and artists spent an enrichment morning there.
This book is the culmination of Ryde Social Heritage Group's Lottery-funded project and deals with the history of the town of Ryde, Isle of Wight. It tells the stories of many of the people buried in Ryde's West Street Cemetery and others associated with them.
Over 100 guests attended Ryde High School's Studio Theatre on the evening of Saturday 7 June 2008, to celebrate the launch of Ryde Social Heritage Group's major publication, Ryde's Heritage - Our Town, Your Histories.
Over the last week several groups of school children have been undertaking studies in Ryde Cemetery as part of the IWC's Ryde Cemetery Restoration Project.