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A subject which provoked a trough of depression among some members of Ryde Borough Council and horse laughter among others.
A pleasing presentation took place on Friday, 27th June, in connection with the retirement of Mr. J. Walker, Chief Officer of the Ryde Coastguard, who on the 19th of June 1919 attained the 40th anniversary of his work in the service.
The Ryde police raided a licensed house---The Royal Sovereign, Castle Street, on Thursday afternoon 23 June 1910, alleging that the premises were being used for betting purposes. Their entry occurred at about a quarter to two o’clock.
It would seem appropriate for this month of Remembrance, that the image we show is of members of His Majesty's Army,
As Ryde celebrated its Centenary Year, one of the town’s oldest residents, Mr. G. Hooper, of 66 St. John’s Road, recalled the borough early days.
This annual event will take place on Thursday, the 8th September 1892. There will be an innovation this year, in the shape of an afternoon as well as an evening procession.
1968 - With Ryde’s 40 year-old Esplanade Pavilion nearing the end of its life; should the Borough Council go ahead with an ambitious plan to replace it with an “entertainments centre.”?
On Friday 25 July 1884, the Ryde and St Helens members of the Board of Guardians, with a kindly feeling deserving of the greatest praise, gave a treat to the workhouse children.
Sailing as a member of the ship’s orchestra on the Union Castle liner SS Capetown Castle, bound for South Africa on December 29th, is the popular local musician, Mr "Jimmy" Luff.
A meeting was held at the York Hotel, for the purpose of considering the advisability of forming a Ryde Bowling Club.