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RSHG members performed their 'Meet the Residents' as part of Aggie Fest in Lower Ryde.
In February, our busy research team added 27 biographical records to names on the website, including that of Mr James Marvin, ironmonger, who carried on his business for many years at 25 Union-street, Ryde.
In January, our busy research team added 19 biographical records to names on the website, including that of Lieut. Alexander George Sutton, son of the Dowager Lady Sutton. He died suddenly aboard the yacht Creole at Cowes.
This Saturday 26th January, we had a very good attendance to our Big Garden Bird Count at the West Street Cemetery.
There was a full-house at the January Quarterly Meeting held at the George Street Centre on the 12th January 2019, which was attended by 32 members and 28 guests, a total of 60 persons present.
In December, our busy research team added 26 biographical records to names on the website, including that of Mr Harry Hubert Crump, who became manager of the Theatre Royal, where his unfailing courtesy was greatly appreciated by the patrons.
The Island Interest Group enjoyed RSHG's performance 'Meet the Residents' at Newchurch Pavilion.
In November, our busy research team added 32 biographical records to names on the website, including that of Mr James George Stevenight, bandmaster.
RSHG began research related to the First World War Centenary in 2013 and by 2018 had added a vast amount of new material to its archive. The recent Open Days and Remembrance Service concluded the project.
In October, our busy research team added 33 biographical records to names on the website, including that of Michael Coghlan, coastguardsman, who was a boatman in the service, which he entered in 1871. He was stationed at Ryde Coastguard Station.