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In November our busy research team added biographical detail to 44 of the records on the website.
Our updated website is finally online! It took longer and was much harder work than we expected but it's finally done.
As part of their Victorian studies two classes from Year 3 at Hayland's Primary School came on two separate day visits (24 and 26 November) to Ryde Cemetery.
Braving high winds and rain, 14 intrepid RSHG members visited Carisbrooke Castle Museum
On Tuesday morning, 10 November, 2015, we were delighted that 37 people gathered for the RSHG Fungi Walk at Ryde Cemetery.
It may not have been a bumper summer for butterflies, but the UK public defied the cold, wet weather to make big butterfly count 2015 the biggest ever.
St Michael’s and All Angels Church, Swanmore hosted a Heritage Memories Coffee Morning, to encompass a Time to Remember, those who died in WW1, WW2 and the conflicts which have continued.
In October the Research team added biographical detail to 44 of the records, which included that of Robert Heward. He ran a fishmonger's business with his father.
The AGM took place at the George Street Centre on Saturday 10 October 2015.
On Saturday 26th September between 11am and 2pm, 40-50 people attended RSHG's Michaelmas Event at Ryde Cemetery. Traditionally Michaelmas celebrates the end of summer and the beginning of autumn.