Isle of Wight County Press: Oct 7th 1972: SEA DRAMA – Ryde sea rescue scheme went into action shortly after mid-day on Thursday when a 14-ton motor-sailor, Wahine, with three men on board was being driven helplessly towards Ryde pier in heavy seas by an easterly wind gusting up to force seven. Manned by Messrs.
Looking Back
Isle of Wight County Press: Sept 2nd 1972: ENTERTAINER’S DEGREE – Comedian and Instrumentalist, Mr. John COOPER, a member of Ryde’s Young Vectis Players, has gained a B.Sc. degree with honours in mathematics, awarded by the University of London after three years’ study at Portsmouth Polytechnic. He is now undertaking a teacher’s training course. Sept
Isle of Wight County Press: Aug 5th 1972: HOSPITAL CLUB FETE – The Royal I.W. County Hospital Sports and Social Club annual fete in the grounds of the Nurses’ Home on Saturday, in aid of club facilities, was opened by Miss Joan FRANCIS (Dot GREENHAIGH, late of the television serial “Coronation street”). Various departments of
Isle of Wight County Press: July 1st 1972: GOLDEN WEDDING – All Saints’ Bellringers rang a quarter peal at Ryde Parish Church on Sunday in honour of the golden wedding, the next day, of one of their number, Mr. Alfred Edward REES, and his wife, of Colwell, 11 Victoria Street, Ryde. Mr. REES has been
Isle of Wight County Press: Jun 3rd 1972: STEAM RAILWAY GUIDE – The Wight Locomotive Society has the nucleus from which they can develop a valuable amenity which will offer a unique facility for public education and enjoyment in the future. This is the conclusion reached by the authors of “An Illustrated Guide to the
Isle of Wight County Press: May 6th 1972: LADIES’ LIFEBOAT GUILD – A coffee party held on Thursday week at 3 Adelaide Place, home of Mrs. V. CAPLE, realised £26.50 for Royal National Lifeboat Institution funds. May 6th 1972: COFFEE EVENING – The Methodist Church choir organised a coffee evening, when Mr. E. G. TAYLOR,
Isle of Wight County Press: Apr 1st 1972: SLIP LEASE REFUSAL – Ryde Town Council on Tuesday, ended, temporarily, the bid by British Rail Seaspeed to open a hoverport at Ryde next to the terminal of Hovertravel Ltd. At present Seaspeed operate from Ryde pier head to Portsmouth harbour. Apr 8th 1972: FORMER BOROUGH POLICE
Isle of Wight County Press: Mar 4th 1972: SPORTS STADIUM – At a meeting of the Ryde ~Town Council last week the Parks and Entertainments Committee reported having decided that a report should be brought forward as soon as possible on the proposed development at Smallbrook Heath of the athletic and sports stadium. Mar 4th
Isle of Wight County Press: Feb 5th 1972: YOUTH FIRE PREVENTION QUIZ – Winners of the Ryde area contest were the Ryde St. John Nursing Cadet team, who scored 48 marks. Second were Ryde Youth Club 42½ and third the 1st Ryde Boys Brigade (42). Binstead Youth Club scored 41, and the 1st Seaview Guides
Isle of Wight County Press: Jan 1st 1972: RYDE TELEPHONISTS – Eight years ago, when each day operator at Ryde trunk telephone exchange gave a present to a deprived child, a spirit of Christmas giving began which has grown and flourished in succeeding years. Now not only children benefit, but the aged and lonely. For