Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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Looking Back

Isle of Wight Times Mar 15th 1962: CHARITY DANCE – More than 130 revellers attended a successful buffet dance held at the Hotel Ryde Castle in aid of the Southern Railway Children’s Home at Woking. The event is organised annually by a committee of local railwaymen. Mar 15th 1962: PORTABLE RADIOS – Cllr. Frank SEARLE

Isle of Wight Times Feb 1st 1962: CAT POISONER – Cat owners in Bettesworth-road, Ryde, believe someone is carrying out a cruel campaign to kill their pets. The neighbourhood has suddenly been hit by a spate of deaths and illnesses among cats, after examinations by veterinary surgeons revealed that it was attributed to a poison

Isle of Wight Times & Isle of Wight County Press Jan 4th 1962: BOMB IN RYDE – An aerial practice bomb, rusting but primed, was found at the rear of unoccupied premises at 12 Wood-street, Ryde, on Thursday. Builders who were cutting back a hedge discovered the bomb, finned and resembling an Indian club. An

Isle of Wight Times Dec 7th 1961: PUB THAT NEVER WAS – Since the reign of George 111, Smeeds, the Union-street, Ryde, wine merchants, have held an “on” licence and could virtually operate as a public house–but hardly anyone knew it. The little known fact came to light on Monday when the firm successfully applied

Isle of Wight Times & County Press Nov 2nd 1961: MARCHERS – Teen-age “Ban the Bomb” marchers have been on the roads of the Isle of Wight this week. Three girls and nine boys from Sandown Grammar School on Tuesday morning left Ryde on the second leg of a two-day march to protest about the

Isle of Wight Times Oct 12th 1961: CLOCK – To some the chiming and striking of the Town Hall clock at Ryde is a friendly sound—but not to everyone. Recently four visitors who stayed nearby had disturbed nights through the familiar chimes. They wrote to the council complaining and suggested that the clock be “gagged”

Isle of Wight Times Sept 14th 1961: CLICK, CLICK, CLICK – Ryde Council is having to give serious consideration to an unusual question — whether or not to do away with the turnstiles on the ladies lavatories in the town. It has been known for them to stick, trapping the victim at a most inconvenient

Isle of Wight County Press: Nov 1st 1924:  MOTOR-CYCLIST’S ACCIDENT – Mr. George HACKSHAW, of Union-street, was thrown from his motor-cycle near the Canoe-lake on Wednesday.  He suffered minor injuries, was treated at the County Hospital, and afterwards returned home. Nov 1st 1924:  GATHERING – On Thursday, the social gatherings which for some years previous

Isle of Wight County Press: Oct 4th 1924:  MOTOR-VAN ABLAZE – The Central Garage, Lind-street, narrowly escaped being involved in a serious fire on Tuesday evening, when a motor-van, standing just outside the premises, burst into flames.  The Fire Brigade were hastily summoned, and arrived to find flames eight feet high.  By means of a

Isle of Wight County Press: Sep 6th 1924:  BIRD INCREASE – Correspondence, which opened in our columns last week by Mr. A. J. PHILPOT on the rarity of “woodpeckers” in the Island, seems to have established the interesting point that in comparatively recent years these birds have considerable increased in numbers in our midst.  The