Latest news
Wishing all Members, Home and Abroad, a Very Happy and Peaceful New Year, from the Committee of the Ryde Social Heritage Group.
In December our busy research team added 21 biographical records to names on the website, including that of Mr George William Colenutt.
On Thursday 7th December 2017 Ryde Social Heritage Group held a Christmas Drop-in event at the Ryde Heritage and Learning Centre.
Long standing RSHG member, Tony Gale, gave a very interesting and enjoyable talk on 'Pubs of Ryde' at the Simeon Arms last week.
On 6 November, some of Ryde's past residents travelled to Newport to meet members of the Isle of Wight Family History Society. Instead of the usual talk, we suggested the Character Dramatic Presentation, hearing history first hand.
In October, our busy research team added 30 biographical records to names on the website, including that of Mrs Christabella Mary Williams, who with her husband in 1914, took charge of the ‘Turks Head Inn’ in Lind Street, and in 1922 moved to the ‘Lake Huron Hotel’
Several RSHG members attended the Northwood Cemetery Heritage Project Launch Event on 11 October. The 2 chapels have been beautifully restored and had many interesting displays to view.
The AGM took place at the George Street Centre on Saturday 7th October and despite there being 16 apologies there was still an attendance of 32 members and 2 visitors.
What a bright, dry morning it was on Friday 6 October, when a group of 12-15 people arrived at Ryde Cemetery for a walk organised by Ryde Library.
On Saturday 23rd September the Ryde Cemetery Learning Centre was open in conjunction with Isle of Wight Days, the theme for the day being “Property Sales”.