Latest news
In July, our busy research team added 40 biographical records to names on the website, including that of Mr Alfred James, proprietor of the Salisbury Restaurant, Union-street, Ryde.
On Saturday 22 July 2017, four members of the Ryde Social Heritage Group enjoyed a social memories morning get-together from 10am till 12 o’clock, in the church hall of St. Michael's Church, Swanmore.
The Chairman welcomed 34 members and 3 visitors to the July Quarterly Meeting, Secretary and Treasurer’s reports were given. Ann Barrett, gave up to date news of the present research and activities of the Group.
On Friday 30th June 2017, two students from Ryde Academy attended the Ryde Cemetery Heritage & Learning Centre to research the history of their school from its beginnings as Upper Grade School for boys, to Ryde High School.
On Thursday 29th June 2017, Rithu Elizabeth, a student from Portsmouth University, came on a pre-arranged visit to the Ryde Cemetery Heritage & Learning Centre, to research information for her project, The History of Vectis Hall, Melville Street, Ryde, starting from when it was built as a Charity School in 1812.
Our talk took place at Ryde Library on Tuesday 20 June at 2pm. This was actually the third 'Tea and Talk' event which the library have organised this year. Instead of a straightforward talk we took along our cast of 'Regency Residents' for a dramatic performance.
Ryde Social Heritage Group held their annual Summer Open Days at Ryde Cemetery Heritage and Learning Centre during the weekend of 17 and 18 June. The event was blessed with clear skies and high temperatures throughout.
In May, our busy research team added 37 biographical records to names on the website, including that of Major Henry William Dennie.
On Friday 5th May 2017 Ryde Social Heritage Group were invited by U3A to give them a presentation on the work and activities of RSHG and this took place at the Church Close Social Club in Wootton Bridge.
On Friday 5th May at 11 o’clock, a very moving 75th Anniversary Commemoration took place at Ryde Cemetery