Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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Looking Back

Isle of Wight Observer: Aug 5th 1922:  THE MOONSTONES – It is very satisfactory to learn that this concert party have been playing to much better attendances at the Town Hall as they fully deserve.  For Friday evening, the 4th, the successful sketch “Egypt” will be again produced.  It is full of genuine wit and

Isle of Wight Observer: July 1st 1922:  MEMORIALS – It cannot be said that Ryde generally has been behind in regard to War Memorials.  The Oddfellows were the first to place a tablet to their fallen brethren in a prominent position at their hall in High-street, and were followed on Monday by the Court of

Isle of Wight Observer: Jun 3rd 1922:  CAPTURE – Despite the general opinion that Arthur CONMY, the escaped convict from Parkhurst prison, had reached the mainland, the Ryde police under Inspector HAWKINS had the gratification of being rewarded for their watchfulness and perseverance by re-capturing him in the attic of a large empty house “Northfield,”

Isle of Wight Observer: May 6th 1922:  TAXI ACCIDENT – As a taxi-cab belonging to Mr. C. READ and driven by Mr. Jack READ was coming up Union-street the back axle broke on changing gears, causing it to run backwards into the Western Gardens where it lodged in the green fence by the side of

Isle of Wight Observer: Apr 1st 1922:  NEW COUNTY COUNCILLOR – On Wednesday evening at the Town Hall polling took place in the North-Western Division of Ryde to fill the vacancy caused by the elevation of Mr. G. R. BRIGSTOCKE to the aldermanic bench of the County Council.  The result was declared in the evening,

Isle of Wight Observer: Mar 4th 1922:  GENEROUS DONATION – The third donation by General FETHERSTONHAUGH C.B. of £100 to the All Saints’ War Memorials is acknowledged by the Vicar who states that the most sincere thanks of the Committee and the whole parish are due to that gentleman for his outstanding generosity. Mar 4th

Isle of Wight Observer: Feb 4th 1922:  TRINITY SCHOOL CHANGES – The managers of the Ryde C.E. Schools have approved a scheme by which the present Trinity School will be made into a junior mixed School and the senior scholars will be instructed in the C.E. School in Green-street.  The infants school in Mount-street will

Isle of Wight Observer: Jan 7th 1922: NEW YEAR DANCE – A Cinderella Dance arranged by Mr. A. J. WILLIAMS T.C., took place at Trinity Hall on New Year’s Eve.  About 100 dancers were present and an enjoyable time was spent dancing the old year out. The company dispersed at midnight with the singing of

Isle of Wight Observer: Dec 3rd 1921:  CIVIC PARADE – The Mayor (Alderman A. ANDREWS J.P. C.C.,), following the example which he set last year, invited the Corporation to accompany him to the Congregational Church on Sunday morning to Divine Service, and with police, fire brigade, and military, occupied the greater part of the nave. 

Isle of Wight Observer: Nov 5th 1921:  THEATRE IMPROVEMENTS – We understand from Mr. H. Terry WOOD, that Mr. Bertie CREW, who is well-known as the builder of the London Opera House in the Kingsway, and of the magnificent theatre in Paris, for Mr. BUTT, has made a thorough inspection of the Theatre Royal, with