Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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Looking Back

Isle of Wight Observer: Oct 5th 1918:  WASTE OF LABOUR – We are told that the streets of our town now remain unswept on Saturday nights and Sunday mornings in consequence of the shortage of labour.  Why then is it necessary for two men to accompany the dust cart every morning just to collect and

Isle of Wight Observer: Sept 7th 1918:  HEDGE ON FIRE – On Tuesday, at High Park Road, a tall hedge was observed to be on fire, probably the result of a stray match carelessly dropped.  By the exertions of inhabitants in the immediately vicinity and visitors the fire was soon beaten out and the fowls

Isle of Wight Observer: Aug 3rd 1918:  CINEMA – The programmes at this popular picture-house in the High Street, are always good and this week there is plenty to interest picture lovers, the management catering well for its patrons.  The star-picture is “The Sign of the Poppy,” featuring Hobart HENLY, a fine photo-drama of thrilling

Isle of Wight Observer: July 6th 1918:  HAZELWOOD HOSPITAL – Mrs. T. G. TANTON wishes to thank all those who so kindly contributed to the cost of the sewing machine required for this hospital.  We may mention that Mrs. TANTON is the widow of the late Mr. T. G. TANTON of Auckland, New Zealand, and

Isle of Wight Observer: June 1st 1918:  CHILD NEGLECT – The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to children, I. of W. Branch has dealt with 7 cases affecting children during the month of April.  The local office of the Society is situated at 4 The Friars, Monkton Street, Ryde. June 1st 1918:  POSTAL

Isle of Wight Observer: May 4th 1918:  ALLOTMENT – The new allotment land in Ashey Road promises to be well cultivated.  Considering the amount of assiduous toil being put in by the allotment holders, and the professional style in which the digging and planting operations are being carried on, that particular land should give an

Isle of Wight Observer: Apr 6th 1918:  ST. JOHN’S MASCOTS – Announce entertainments in the Oakfield Parish Hall on April 11th and 18th in aid of a fund to provide a memorial in the memory of men from the parish who have fallen in the war. Apr 6th 1918:  ACCIDENT – On Thursday some excitement

Isle of Wight Observer: Mar 2nd 1918:  MATRIMONIAL CAUSES ACT – Protest meetings against this act are announced to be held at the Town Hall, Ryde, on Tuesday next at 3 and 8pm.  The meetings have been arranged by the clergy and ministers of the town.  We are asked to say that it is hoped

Isle of Wight Observer: Feb 2nd 1918:  MARGARINE QUEUES – These seem to be becoming pretty frequent in the town and on Wednesday things were not altogether pleasant, as disputes arose as to precedence, there being several claimants on the ground that they “were there first.” Feb 2nd 1918:  BAD BUSINESS – Butchers representing 27

Isle of Wight Observer: Jan 5th 1918:  MEAT – The scarcity of meat in the butchers’ shops ought to prepare people to go in for strict training on vegetarian diet.  If the meat purveyors are to be believed, they have been acting the part of philanthropists by selling at a loss. Jan 5th 1918:  PAINT