Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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Looking Back

Isle of Wight Observer:- Feb 3rd 1917:  YELF’S HOTEL – At the Borough Bench sitting on Monday the license of Yelf’s Hotel was temporarily transferred from Mrs Norah B. JENNINGS to Miss MOULDEN, of the Albion Hotel, Freshwater, and Mr S. B. THRESHER. Feb 3rd 1917:  “A COUNTRY GIRL” – This bright musical play was

Isle of Wight Observer:- Jan 6th 1917:  EDUCATION – Miss Maud GAGE, an assistant teacher in the infants’ department of the Bettesworth Road School, sent in her resignation.  The Chairman, in moving that it be accepted, stated that Miss GAGE had been connected with the school for a number of years, and had rendered excellent

Isle of Wight Observer:- Dec 2nd 1916:  RELIEF SOCIETY – The Committee of this Society, which was established in 1839 for the relief of the aged and infirm of all Denominations, propose if funds will permit to make a distribution of coal as usual, and hope that friends will kindly help.  Subscriptions will be gladly

Isle of Wight Observer:- Nov 4th 1916:  FOR THE SOLDIERS – The Y.M.C.A. who have now one of their centres established and in full working order at the Town Hall for the use of the troops stationed in the town, will be glad to receive gifts of flowers, illustrated papers and magazines, and we feel

Isle of Wight Observer:- Oct 7th 1916:  BATHING HUTS – The profits from the bathing huts on the Eastern Esplanade, amounting to 50 guineas, have been handed over to the Royal I.W. County Hospital by the Mayor, who made himself personally responsible for initiating the new and, what has proved to be, popular bathing rendezvous.

Isle of Wight Observer:- Sept 2nd 1916:  BUTTER A LUXURY – Much as householders have economised in the use of butter, it looks as if the process would have to be carried still further, we have depended too much in the past upon products from abroad.   Evidence accumulates that fresh butter may rise very shortly

Isle of Wight Observer:- Aug 5th 1916:  AEROPLANE – An aeroplane met with a mishap when flying over the town at about 1,500 feet.  Something went wrong with the engine, and the pilot, a young lieutenant, at once put the machine about with the object of finding a safe landing place.  He skilfully planed down

Isle of Wight Observer:- July 1st 1916:  WILL-MAKING – Judging by the frequent examples of strange wills that every now and again come to light, there seems to be a strong tendency among a large class of testators to make their “last wills and testaments” as eccentric and peculiar as possible. July 1st 1916:  HOUSEHOLD

Isle of Wight Observer:- June 10th 1916:  BANK HOLIDAY SUSPENDED – The Mayor has issued a notice recommending in accordance with the decision of the Government that Whitsun Bank Holiday should not be observed, and that business be carried on as usual on that day. June 10th 1916:  PRISONERS OF WAR – The Mayor and

Isle of Wight Observer:- May 6th 1916:  BOROUGH BENCH – Monday was a “white glove day” for the borough Justices, there being no business to transact. May 6th 1916:  LOCAL MILITARY HERO – Particulars have come to hand of the services for which Lieut. R. L. FLUX, solicitor, of this town, has been awarded the