Isle of Wight County Press: Jun 1st 1974: THIEVES – Smash and grab raiders stole three cameras valued at about £76, from Island Studios, Cross Street, Ryde, on Sunday; On Friday week a thief entered a café at 34 Castle Street, Ryde, through a rear window and stole £20 belonging to Mr. G. NICHOLSON, from
Looking Back
Isle of Wight County Press: May 4th 1974: SEAWEED MENACE – Batches of Japanese seaweed, Sargassum Multicum, have been located along the coast from Ryde to Bembridge. Workers striving to eradicate the seaweed thought they had halted the growth, but it is now thought that the weed has established itself from Bembridge to a quarter
Isle of Wight County Press: Apr 6th 1974: FITTING FINALE – I am writing to express my gratitude, on behalf of the council, to all who took part in the memorable and historic civic service of thanksgiving for the Borough of Ryde, held in All Saints’ Church this afternoon (March 31st). It is impossible to
Isle of Wight County Press: Mar 2nd 1974: TOWNSWOMENS GUILD – Over 20 members attended a coffee evening with a difference when a programme of “parlour games” was arranged by Miss J. MANTLE. This raised £5, and a jumble sale raised £23. Proceeds from both these efforts are to go towards the birthday party in
Isle of Wight County Press: Feb 2nd 1974: SUBSIDY – The Island is to receive £228,000 this year as its share of the Government’s £81m. grant to British Rail for unremunerative rail passenger services. Also announced was a reprieve for a number of lines at least until 1975 when the situation would be reviewed again.
Isle of Wight County Press: Jan 5th 1974: GOODS STOLEN – The Ryde High Street store of Woolworth’s was broken into this week and goods valued at £1101 stolen. A window was forced at the side of the building. Property taken included 26 wrist watches, 230 tape pre-recorded cassettes and cartridges, 30 gas lighters, and
Isle of Wight County Press: Dec 1st 1973: TOP-A-TREE – Requests for trees at Appley and Puckpool to be shortened or felled for the sake of nearby beach hits were turned down by Ryde Town Council’s Parks and Entertainments Committee on Thursday week. The thick growth of trees to the south prevents sunshine from reaching
Isle of Wight County Press: Nov 3rd 1973: BREAK IN TRADITION – Mr. S. G. WADE, a prominent member for 30 years and a former captain, was elected president at the 68th annual meeting of Ryde Bowling Club at the Town Hall on Friday week. His election broke a tradition in which the reigning mayor
Isle of Wight County Press: Oct 6th 1973: ORGAN MUSIC – The summer series of organ music recitals at All Saints’, Ryde, notable for playing of very high quality, ended on Saturday week with a fine performance from Marcus HUXLEY, organ scholar at Worcester College. Oct 6th 1973: RYDE YOUNGSTERS’ – Membership of the Ryde
Isle of Wight County Press: Sept 1st 1973: MOBILE POLICE STATION – This has made its appearance near Ryde pier entrance and may become a regular holiday season fixture on the Esplanade. The site was selected because visitors to the Island arrive in great numbers in the vicinity, many with problems concerning the location of