Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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Looking Back

Isle of Wight Observer:- Apr 1st 1916:  HANDKERCHIEF’S – When prices are going up in every department of feminine attire, it is possible to buy pretty handkerchief’s quite cheaply.  During the sales coloured and white, were to be bought for a mere song.  Many girls who wisely made purchases then, are now converting their bargains

Isle of Wight Observer:- Mar 4th 1916:  COMFORTS – As a result of their recent concert the Ryde Philharmonic Society is sending comforts to the value of £5 to the Isle of Wight Forces serving abroad. Mar 4th 1916:  ACCIDENTS – Mr Frederick SHOTTER, of Argyll Street, met with an unfortunate accident on Friday by

Isle of Wight Observer:- Feb 5th 1916:  CARGO OF COAL SUNK – The British ship, Franz Fischer, which was sunk in the North Sea on Tuesday night by a bomb from a Zeppelin, had on board a cargo of coal for the Island Gaslight Companies, 500 tons of which was destined for the Ryde Gas-works.

Isle of Wight Observer:- Jan 8th 1916:  SMART CAPTURE – At the County Bench on Saturday, P.C. TARRANT, of the Ryde Borough Police Force, who gave evidence in a charge of burglary at Wootton, was highly commended by the Chairman (Colonel F. W. CRADOCK) on his capture of the prisoner as he was about to

Isle of Wight Observer:-   Dec 4th 1915:  JUNGLE ADVENTURES – This will be the subject of the Y.M.C.A. lecture at the Town Hall on Tuesday evening next, when Mr. Harry K. EUSTACE, who has lived and hunted in Central Africa for many years, will relate his thrilling experiences, which will be illustrated by photographic

Isle of Wight Observer:-   Nov 6th 1915:  DOGS – On Wednesday morning Walter JOLLIFFE, aged 8 years, living at Binstead, was victim of a ferocious attack by two or three bull dogs belonging to Mr. CROSBY-SMITH, of Newnham-road, Binstead. He was trundelling his hoop when the animals rushed out, biting him on the face,

Isle of Wight Times:-   Sept 2nd 1915: PRESENTATION – Capt. J. W. TRODD was on Tuesday evening presented with a Sam Browne belt and water bottle as a slight recognition of his services in connection with the Ryde Volunteer Training Corps. Company Commander W. E. WEEKS, who made the presentation, congratulated Capt. TRODD on

Isle of Wight County Press:- Aug 14th 1915: ANIMALS – All the best horses having been bought for the Army, traction and farm work has to be done by animals of inferior condition, also in many cases being in charge of men or boys unaccustomed to dealing with them owing to those who understand the

Isle of Wight Observer:- Jul 3rd 1915: WAR WORK – There has been a fine response to the appeal for war munition volunteers, and the call is being answered with enthusiasm and patriotism. It is only by every city, town and village, contributing its quota, that an adequate supply of skilled labour will be obtained.

Isle of Wight Observer:- Jun 12th 1915: LITERATURE – At Thursday’s meeting of the Board of Guardians thanks were passed to Mrs. GIBBS, of St. Helliers, Strand, for a gift of literature for the use of the inmates. Jun 12th 1915: SCHOOL OF ART – The Higher Education Sub-Committee reported that upon the recommendation of