Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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Looking Back

Isle of Wight Observer: Nov 14th 1874:  THE THEATRE – How is it the new theatre does not succeed?  This is the question which has often been put, but never satisfactorily answered.  Some lay the blame to religion; the people of Ryde, say these, are so religious that they cannot countenance the stage; and if

Isle of Wight Observer: Oct 3rd 1874:  GREAT NOVELTY – We understand that Mr. AYLWARD has secured at considerable expense, the services of the “Viennese Orchestra of Ladies,” for one morning performance in Ryde October 22nd.  These ladies—numbering nearly forty—have only appeared in London this season and created a positive furore by their magnificent playing

Isle of Wight Observer: Sep 5th 1874:   SKATING RINK – Victoria Assembly Rooms, Ryde. These rooms will be open until further notice for Roller Skating on the American Principle. In the morning from 11 to 1; afternoon from 3 to 5.30. Admission, 1s. Hire of Skates, 6d. Sep 5th 1874:  A COLLISION – On Tuesday

Isle of Wight Observer: Aug 1st 1874:  VISIT OF MRS. SCOTT-SIDDONS – This well-known lady is announced to appear at the new Town-hall tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon, in her Histrionic Readings.  “Seraphael,” the celebrated boy pianist who is only 12 years old, will also appear.  The Court Journal, speaking of this youthful musician, says, “His execution

Isle of Wight Observer: Jul 4th 1874:  DANGERS OF DRINK – On Saturday last an accident of a serious character happened to a man named NEWNHAM. It appears he was assisting in unloading a vessel at the quay laden with beer, and on one of the casks being hoisted the slings gave way, the tub

Isle of Wight Observer Jun 6th 1874:  ST. MICHAEL’S CHURCH APPEAL FOR COMPLETION – The church was consecrated in August 1863 and the Tower, Belfry and Transepts are approaching completion. The building committee are making strenuous efforts to complete the chancel, having just had the munificent offer of £1000 from Miss RAINE;. The vicar has

Isle of Wight Observer: May 2nd 1874:  VISCOUNT TEMPLETOWN – During the week, Mr. Jabez HUGHES, the eminent photographer, of Union-street, has been exhibiting in his window a fine portrait (almost life size) of General Lord TEMPLETOWN, intended, we understand, for presentation by the Corporation of Portsmouth. May 2nd 1874:  VISIT TO RYDE – The

Isle of Wight Observer: Apr 4th 1874:  LIFEBOAT EXERCISE – Coxwain SOTHCOTT and the crew of the Hans Busk lifeboat, had their quarterly exercise on Monday morning, when a good fresh breeze was blowing.  The men proved as efficient as ever in going through the usual course of exercises, and the state of the boat,

Isle of Wight Observer: Mar 7th 1874:  ENTERTAINMENT – On Thursday afternoon last, an entertainment of dissolving views was given at the Victoria-rooms, for the special amusement of the children of the Sunday schools of the town.  The views exhibited by Mr. W. WOODS, jun., who had succeeded in securing a very powerful set of

Isle of Wight Observer: Feb 21st 1874:  NEW MAGISTRATES – We understand that the following gentlemen have been appointed magistrates of the borough:  Major-General JEFFREYS, William DASHWOOD, esq., and F. CARTER, esq. Feb 21st 1874:  THE WATER WORKS – The committee of Ryde Borough Council, recommended that a new high-pressure piston and a few other