Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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Looking Back

Isle of Wight Observer Mar 6th 1858: LADIES OF LUCKNOW – Perhaps you have not heard that three ladies are known to be in Lucknow, where they are confined in one small room, but protected by a Vakeel. Two of them are the widows of officers who have fallen; but it is supposed that they

Isle of Wight Observer Feb 6th 1858: LETTER – A letter to the Editor from Mr. A. DENIZEN, of Union-street, Ryde. -“Having lived in Union-street for more than a quarter of a century, during the whole of which time I have paid town rates, I think I have some right to complain, that not a

Ryde News Dec 1857 (150 years ago) IW Observer Dec 5th 1857: STEAM FERRY – Works connected with the undertaking upon our shore are resumed once more, but not with that genuine activity which characterises earnestness. Another gang of navies and other workmen have made their appearance this week after the sea had washed away

Isle of Wight Observer – Nov 14th 1857: RYDE COMMISSIONERS – A report from the Highway Commissioners recommending sewers to be constructed in the following streets viz: Wood-street from Trinity-street to Monkton-street, and Trinity-street south of Wood-street. Nov 21st 1857: DEATH OF CAPT. STEANE – Amongst the passengers who were drowned in the wreck of

Isle of Wight Observer Aug 1st 1857: IMPROVEMENTS – A great improvement is being effected by forming a raised footpath under Mr. ARABIN’s wall on the South side of the Esplanade, which when completed, will be a great convenience. Aug 1st 1857: SPOILING OF THE SHORE – One thing is certain that the shore is

Isle of Wight Observer Jan 3rd 1857: NEW YEAR – The bells of St. Marie rang a merry peal as an adieu to the old year and a welcome to the new, and this formed the only public demonstration of the season. Of course there was the usual praying, singing and dancing at chapels and

This section will be researched in local newspapers, records and people's memories. If you have a story you would like to contribute, please contact us.