Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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Looking Back

Isle of Wight Observer: Nov 6th 1869:  ST. MICHAEL’S SWANMORE – On Saturday last a very splendid processional cross, manufactured by Messrs. HARDMAN and Co., of Birmingham, of a most elegant design and studded with 116 stones (presented by lady members of the congregation), consisting of 64 diamonds, eight corals, eight crystals, six onyx, 10

Isle of Wight Observer: Oct 2nd 1869:  COMPLIMENTARY SUPPER – On Monday evening, after the amateur performance at the theatre, the manager, Mr. RODGERS, and several members of the company were entertained at supper at the Crown Hotel, which was well served by the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. CANDY.  more about James Harding Candy

Isle of Wight Observer: Sept 4th 1869:  C.C.C. MINSTRELS – This talented troupe re-appear at the Victoria-rooms on Monday next, when we trust they will be well supported.  The performances may be classed as far superior to many who claim the name without the talent of the Christy Minstrels. Sept 4th 1869:  ORDER OF COUNCIL

Isle of Wight Observer: Aug 7th 1869:  FASHIONABLE PARTY – On Saturday last, General and Mrs. SLADE invited a large and distinguished party, when their mansion, Elvington House and grounds, was the scene of gaiety and festivity.  Dancing took place on the grounds, the musical arrangements being under the direction of Mr. C. W. SALTER.

Isle of Wight Observer: July 3rd 1869:  TIME TABLES – The Portsmouth and Ryde Steampacket Company have announced that as from and after Thursday, the 1st inst., an extension of the traffic service has been provided by this company. July 3rd 1869:  BATHING ACCOMMODATION – We are gratified in being able to direct the attention

Isle of Wight Observer: Jun 5th 1869:  RYDE PIER – A varied programme of March’s, Waltz’s, Quadrille’s, Polka’s. and Scotch Melodies, will (weather permitting) be played on Ryde pier on Tuesday evening next, by the band of the 1st Isle of Wight Rifle Volunteers, under the leadership of Mr. H. FIELD. Jun 5th 1869:  QUEEN’S

Isle of Wight Observer: May 1st 1869:  NOVEL SIGHT – It is announced that the lifeboat will, after having been launched, be exercised by the crew.  We should have thought that it would have been better to have exercised the crew, instead of the boat.  However, the committee must know best.  We hope that if

Isle of Wight Observer: Apr 3rd 1869:  ROYAL I.W. INFIRMARY – Report for week ended Wednesday last. —Patients admitted, 5; discharged, 1; died, 1; remaining in the house, 3. —Out-patients on the books, 150. —Surgeon for the week, B. PINNIGER, esq.; chaplain, Rev. Alexander POOLE. —Thos. WILKIN, house surgeon. Apr 3rd 1869:  ACCIDENT – On

Isle of Wight Observer: Mar 6th 1869:  RELIEF – Mr. Vivian WEBBER has distributed £10 for the relief of Ryde mechanics; he has also forwarded £3 to the Mayor of Portsmouth for the distressed workmen in that borough. Mar 6th 1869:  TEMPORARY IRON CHURCH – We see that it is intended to enlarge the temporary

Isle of Wight Observer: Feb 6th 1869:  PIANOFORTE RECITAL – The pupils of the highly-talented pianiste, Franklein LUZINGER, gave a great musical treat to their parents and friends on Monday last (with kind permission of the Countess RANFURLY) at her residence, 1 Sidney Terrace.  Mrs. CONDUIT and the ladies under her instruction kindly gave their