Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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Looking Back

Isle of Wight Observer: July 4th 1868:  REGISTRATION ASSOCIATION – We beg to remind our readers that, in consequence of the subdivision of Newchurch into three parishes, viz., Newchurch, Ryde, and Ventnor, it will be necessary for those electors who have been left out of the register to claim again, or they will find themselves

Isle of Wight Observer: June 6th 1868:  ORMONDE HOUSE SPORTS – The athletic sports took place on Tuesday last in the grounds of our worthy Vicar, and were attended by a fashionable company who were invited by invitation from the pupils. The sports from beginning to end a perfect success; indeed we think that great

Isle of Wight Observer: May 2nd 1868:  MUSICAL TREATS – A series of four pianoforte recitals is intended to be given at No. 1 Sydney Terrace on the 11th, 18th, and 25th May, and on the 1st June, by Madame Fraulien LENZINGER, the lady who has accompanied so brilliantly at some of the recent concerts,

Isle of Wight Observer: Apr 4th 1868:  WANTED – in a small, genteel family, where two female servants are kept, a good Plain Cook, of the Established Church of England; thoroughly well principled.  A good character from her last situation absolutely necessary.  Age from 26 to 36.  Wages £17 per annum and washing; no extras.—Address,

Isle of Wight Observer: Mar 7th 1868:  OCCURRENCE – A very singular occurrence has taken place this year, viz., in the month of February, the shortest of the 12, we have had five Saturdays from the fact that the 1st and the 29th both occurred on that day.  There will not be five Saturdays in

Isle of Wight Observer: Feb 1st 1868:  SOUP KITCHEN – It is written in more than mortal language that the poor shall never cease from the earth.  Labor is scarce and provisions dear, so that the branch of relief distributed from the soup kitchen in Ryde is a great boon to the poor during the

Isle of Wight Observer: Jan 4th 1868:  GRATIFYING NEWS – Amidst the many disasters which it has of late been the duty of journalists to record, it is gratifying to be able to notice the charitable contributions which the return of this festive season has called forth in aid of the deserving poor; indeed, many

Isle of Wight Observer: Dec 7th 1867:  BOROUGH QUESTION – At the monthly meeting of the Board of Commissioners on Tuesday next, Mr. WALLIS has given notice of a motion respecting the town being made into a borough, whether it is desirable, and if the consent of the Commissioners has ever been obtained to the

Isle of Wight Observer: Nov 2nd 1867:  PROPOSED ASSEMBLY ROOM – We rejoice to hear a special meeting of the Commissioners has been called for this (Friday) evening to receive the tenders, and thus put the work in motion without delay for the proposed new assembly room.  Let all parties now unite in helping to

Isle of Wight Observer: Oct 19th 1867:  PROPOSED NEW ASSEMBLY ROOM – Our readers will see by the report of the meeting held at the Town-hall on Monday last that the room, even with the use of the new gallery, could not accommodate all who decided to be present on the occasion.  This is another