Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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Looking Back

Isle of Wight County Press: Aug 4th 1973:  ANGLERS HELP HANDICAPPED – Three chair-mobiles for use by Island people, brought with money raised by the IW Federation of Angling Clubs, were officially presented during the annual fete of Fairlee Hospital on Saturday.  A number of schools and organisations are helping, including children at Green Mount

Isle of Wight County Press: July 7th 1973:  NEW WARNING – Island police are again warning elderly residents to be careful when people call at the front door offering to repair chimneys or provide other services. Tricks like these are on the increase, say the police.  Elderly, particularly those living alone, are easy targets. July

Isle of Wight County Press: Jun 2nd 1973:  SPARKLING PERFORMANCE – “They Don’t Grow on Trees” we were told by the play’s title – yet more and more kept appearing on stage at Ryde Esplanade Pavilion when Bellevue Players’ spring holiday production opened on Saturday.  It was a tribute to the company’s strength that they

Isle of Wight County Press: May 5th 1973:  WOMEN’S INSTITUTE – A reminder to Binstead members that Binstead was entered for the best-kept village competition, was given at a well-attended meeting recently.  It was reported that much work was being done to ensure that the village looked its best. May 5th 1973:  IMPRESSIVE SINGING –

Isle of Wight County Press: Apr 7th 1973:  GALE DAMAGE – Scaffolding, timber and masonry showered on to a house in Circular Road, Ryde, on Monday when gale force winds “gutted” an adjoining building which was in the course of erection.  Mr. R. WOODFORD said that the avalanche hit his home, Sunnyside, at 8.30 a.m.,

Isle of Wight County Press: Mar 3rd 1973:  VECTIS BOATING CLUB – The annual meeting of the club was held at the London Hotel, Ryde, on Thursday week.  Some 40 members were present.  Mr. E. LONG referred to the Association of Sports Clubs which had been formed in Ryde and to which the Vectis Club

Isle of Wight County Press: Feb 3rd 1973:  CLEARING GRAVEYARD – Pupils from Form 4R2 at Ryde High School, under the leadership of their form-master, Mr. David TAMCKEN, are clearing the Ryde St. John’s graveyard on a sponsored basis to earn funds for a Vietnamese war orphan, at present in a Saigon orphanage.  They are

Isle of Wight County Press: Jan 6th 1973:  HOMES FOR LONDONERS – The Greater London Council have brought 5.7 acres of privately owned land at Oakhill Road, Springvale, on which they hope to build approximately 30 bungalows for elderly people from the London area.  This was one of a number of sites which the GLC

Isle of Wight County Press: Dec 2nd 1972:  W.I. FEDERATION REQUEST – A resolution urging the County Council to give serious consideration to banning coaches from the Island’s unclassified roads received overwhelming support from delegates at the 50th annual council meeting of the County Federation of Women’s Institutes on Friday week.  The possibility of placing

Isle of Wight County Press: Nov 4th 1972:  FILM MAKING AT PUCKPOOL – Island extras, taking part in the film “That’ll Be The Day,” at Warner’s Holiday Camp, Puckpool were: Douglas GIBBONS, Jim MCDONAGH, Christine GALLERAND, Kreuz and Greg BAILEY, all from Ryde. Nov 4th 1972:  HOVERCRAFT AND FERRY COLLISION – A collision occurred on