Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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Looking Back

Isle of Wight Observer Sept 5th 1908: HARRIERS – A race for novices was held in connection with Ryde Harriers at the Canoe lake on Thursday evening last week. The course was once around or about 1,000 yards. Sept 5th 1908: SPORTS AND CARNIVAL – The Athletic Sports and Carnival advertised to take place at

Isle of Wight Observer Aug 1st 1908: ACCIDENT – James NASH in the employ of Mr G. H. STAINER, fell down some steps at the dairy, high-street on Tuesday and fractured two ribs. He was taken to the Hospital and after treatment there, was sent to his home. Aug 1st 1908: FIRE – A curtain

Isle of Wight Observer July 4th 1908: REMARKABLE LUMINANT NIGHTS – The remarkable appearance of the Northern Lights, or magnetic phenomena, excited a great deal of interest on Tuesday and Wednesday, especially vivid was the display on Wednesday when it was quite possible to read in the open till 10 oclock. July 4th 1908: BAKERS

Isle of Wight Observer June 6th 1908: MOTOR CARS – Over 300 motor cars were transported across the Solent from Lymington to Yarmouth last year. Practally all these cars would have come to the Island via Portsmouth and Ryde, but for the fact that cars can only be landed at high water. June 6th 1908:

May 1908 – 100 Years ago Isle of Wight Observer May 2nd 1908: PRESENTATION – The Mayor of Ryde presented the St. John’s-road Boys School with their medals won in the Ryde School’s League. May 2nd 1908: BOWLING GREEN – The Bowling Green on the Esplanade will probably be closed for another fortnight at least,

Isle of Wight Times Apr 9th 1908: RYDE MAN IN TIGER DISASTER – It is with regret we report that a well-known Ryde young man went down in the “Tiger”. He was Albert E. HAYLES, 2nd class petty officer, and he had just entered on his second term by completing 10 years service. He leaves

Isle of Wight Observer Mar 7th 1908: WHIST – Teams representing Ryde Conservative Working Men’s Club and Ryde Liberal Club, engaged in a friendly game of Whist on Monday evening at the rooms of the former, resulting in a win for the Liberals 236-230. Mar 7th 1908: FUND – The Crimean and Mutiny Veteran’s Fund

Isle of Wight Times & Hampshire Gazette Feb 6th 1908: RYDE BOROUGH BENCH – On Monday the licence of the Castle Hotel, High-street, Ryde, was temporarily transferred from Thomas F. BUTCHER to James AITKEN of the Bugle Inn, High-street. Feb 13th 1908: RYDE TOWN COUNCIL – discussed the proposed action of the Postal Authorities to

Ryde News Dec 1907 (100 years ago) IW Times Dec 12th 1907: CHRISTMAS BOXES – It seems that there is a danger even in giving Christmas boxes, for one may be hauled up under the Prevention of Corruption Act of 1906, the act will operate badly against the presenter. Dec 12th 1907: SKATING CARNIVAL –

Isle of Wight Times:- Nov 7th 1907: CHRYSANTHEMUM SHOW – The annual show was held at the Town Hall. Mr. GOBLE’s roses were splendid for the time of the year. Mr. DIMMICK showed a varied collection of plants and flowers. Nov 14th 1907: FOG – The fog on Monday caused the suspension of nearly all